Intuitive coaching & Integration: the Verbal Purge with diana
After years of growing up in a traumatic home, volatile dieting and a forced,regimented use of laxatives, chronic intestinal issues were brought on that created an internal life of suffering within her mind, body and spirit. Experiencing physical abuse, paralyzing fear, suicidal thoughts and depression, she credits colon hydrotherapy for saving her Life. In the renewed glimmer of hope and new outlook on life, she opted to dive deep into the works of Landmark Education, completing a full curriculum of life altering personal and professional growth, training, development and public speaking.
In the inspiration of this growth, however, she didn’t know that a path of new beginnings would be at her doorstep to take her on a journey of ultimate self discovery, deep surrender and stepping out of her comfort zone in the most profound way. After 15 years of marriage and two beautiful daughters, she would find herself in the middle of a divorce, the loss of her beautiful home during the real estate bubble of 2008 and reluctantly, in the new territory of a government welfare office. Alone with her two daughters and no child support to lean on, she pressed on, and in that strife, she was inspired to start Complete Trinity at the end of 2011.
With renewed Love and compassion for people, this inspired Diana to serve those in need of a Life reset and eventually for some, a spiritual awakening. In 2016, she began sitting in ceremonial plant medicine healing circles to further her own healing and spiritual growth and by 2018, she became an initiated Shamanic guide, serving Amazonian medicines in her ceremonial Soul Cyphers. She now combines the arts of colon hydrotherapy with the teachings of her ancestors to bring about a powerful ushering into one of the most expansive experiences of one’s Life.
Having also delved in the kink and sex positive communities as well, Diana has fused all of her experiences and teachings to become the intuitive personal development/sex/relationship coach that she is today.
She is also a poet and spoken word artist, blending in the magic and concoction of word with surrender and letting go to bring about and manifest a powerful new realm of existence.