Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon Hydrotherapy is also referred to as colonics or colon irrigation. These are names for hydrotherapy which uses water for inner cleansing. There are two types of colon irrigation systems; the Open and Closed systems. At Complete Trinity, we use the "open system" colonic table only. We do not have the "closed system" available at our facility at this time.
Colon Hydrotherapy is clean and relaxing. A soothing flow of purified warm water is instilled gently into the colon through a disposable rectal nozzle that is about the size of a no. 2 pencil. The small rectal nozzle is easily inserted to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of your lower colon. Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Devices have systems that the pressure, temperature and flow of water, are all safely regulated throughout the session. The water is purified with an Ultra Violet Water Purification System. Our devices are comfortable and may be operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude. Your dignity and privacy is always maintained as you desire for your comfort. There is no odor! Odor is whisked away thru the sewer drain pipe.
*We’ve taken heightened precautions to ensure hospital/medical grade cleaning and disinfection is diligently executed and maintained. All is meticulously enforced for your peace of mind and complete comfort during your time with us.
+ What is the colon and what does it do?
The colon or large intestine is the end portion of the human gastrointestinal tract. It is a muscular tube of approximately 5 1/2 to 6 feet long and has an average diameter of approximately 2 ½ inches. The main functions of the colon are absorption of water and minerals, and the formation and elimination of fecal matter. The colon contains billions of nearly 60 varieties of micro flora or bacteria that make up approximately 70% of the dry weight feces. These bacteria aid digestion, promote vital nutrient production, maintain pH (acid-base) balance, and prevent proliferation of harmful bacteria. These bacteria provide important functions such as the synthesis of folic acid and valuable nutrients from food, including vitamin ‘K’ and portions of the ‘B’ complex.
+ What are some of the signs and symptoms that the colon is not efficiently eliminating?
Constipation, Chronic Fatigue, Headaches, Depression, Bad breath, Gas, Arthritis, Brain fog, 'pot belly', Depression, Obesity, PMS Indigestion, Bloating, Body Odor, Swelling of legs, Tension, Allergies, Backaches, Brittle nails and hair, Circles under the eyes, and Asthma
+ Is Colon Hydrotherapy painful?
Many of you are wondering if colon hydrotherapy is painful. Unlike the older version referred to as the "Closed System" (white tube illustrated below), our rectal tube used in the “Open System,” is the size of a no. 2 pencil (blue tube illustrated) and is inserted with the help of a water-based lubricant, just about 3-4 inches into the rectum. You feel virtually no pain or discomfort with the insertion of the tube. If any discomfort at all, once your session has begun, it’s usually due to some cramping when the fecal matter and toxins are breaking down, along with gas bubbles passing through the large intestine. Sometimes nausea may be an accompanying symptom as these components are breaking down. You can either insert for yourself or your therapist can help guide you with the insertion. It’s quick and easy! We understand how awkward it may be to move forward with this procedure so we are standing by to help ease you through this process every step of the way. Once your session has begun, and we see that you have gotten the hang of how the procedure works, your therapist will leave you to your privacy and will be back every 15-20 minutes to check in with you and your progress.
+ How many colon hydrotherapy sessions a person needs?
The number of sessions varies depending on the current conditions, issues and goals of the individual. Are you coming in for a general reset and detox? Are you constipated? Eager to purge medications and other chemical substances? Going vegan? Are you on a weight loss journey? All of these individual reasons would require a different frequency of sessions used.
· Ideally, use 2-3 sessions within the first week. Why? Because pending current issues, lifestyle habits, eating habits, dehydration and medications that cause dehydration, the first colonic may not yield the most thorough release and purge. Session 1 may be more of a loosening session. Where as sessions 2 and 3 are most common to release more fecal matter as well as deeper embedded toxins stuck in the lining of the colon.
· 2-3 sessions the second week, preferably every 3-4 days is best and if continuing on your colonic journey with us. However, we do understand the scheduling between hectic schedules. So at the very latest, no later than once per week/per session, please.
· Then once initial series has been completed, you may then maintain per therapist’s suggestions. You may need to continue on a weekly basis after that until your body indicates it no longer needs the treatment. For maintenance, you may choose to have one session every 1-2 months or as your body needs. Some clients choose to have a session once a month for ongoing cleansing and toning. If you are on a fasting or detoxification program, it is highly recommended that you include colonics as part of it. In addition, if you get sick, colonics could help with lymphatic drainage and potentially speeding up your healing process. Clients that have the most success complete the recommended series.
NOTE: 3-6 sessions in 2 weeks is the minimum recommended.
+ How much does it cost?
(These prices effective February 27, 2023 - February 26, 2024)
+ Add on services?
Blood Type Test:
Will be done by resident phlebotomist, Laila. Fee includes blood type test and in depth consultation on how to eat for your blood type. Test and Consultation Only: $99
Plant Medicine Offering and Guided Meditation Add-Ons: Sananga: $55
Sananga Eye Drops: Straight from the Amazon jungle. An intense, potent and powerful method of releasing energy, stress and suppressed emotion. Also, helps to bring peace and clarity, elevating moods and clearing negativity. Also, creating more visual acuity and color perception. Hapé: $55
Hapé is a sacred tobacco from the Amazon made and used by the indigenous tribes. A blend of herbs combined is blown into the nostrils with an applicator. A short guided meditation by your initiated practitioner will enhance the property of the medicine, bringing mental clarity and grounding, relieving stress and having a revitalizing effect on overall moods. Both sananga and hapé $88
These offerings come from our sacred land and jungles of the Amazon. They can be done alone or combined with your colonic treatments. The medicines offered are performed ritualistically by trained and initiated healers, with the most Loving intention and compassion. Please do your own research before booking or call for an in-depth consultation. Be ready for the potency of these healings that will initiate an energetic and/or emotional purge.
+ Length of sessions?
For first time visitors only, your session includes the following: Your initial visit with us will be a bit more unique in time and flow. Approximately 90 min that includes your consultation for about 15-20 min and your session follows for 60-70 min, giving you the last 10 min of your session for emptying out excess water that may still need to be purged from the colon, followed by clean up time and dressing up again after clean up.
For returning clients, your session time includes the following: Undressing, session time with water ON for 45-50 min for 60 minute sessions / 75-80 min for 90 minute sessions, giving you the last 10 min of your session for emptying out excess water that may still need to be purged from the colon, followed by clean up time and dressing up again after clean up.
Returning clients, please note: If your session goes over scheduled time, you will be charged $2/min for overtime. This helps us keep our impeccable scheduling, keeping in mind all scheduled client’s needs to start and end on time.
Legal Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe, cure or prevent disease. This is for informational use only.
© 2023 Complete Trinity: Soul Sanctuary